
i can't stand this virtual politics any more,so...pls see me,dude!

twitter,myspace,mixi...this blew so much.i felt blah at all when i surf on internet recently,because SEEING IS BELIEVING,Every footage on every air,it's very heart for me to do something when I'd wanna be feeling it.But it's natural for hu…

Last saturday's affair,somehow cute one

This week,I've written in Japanese mostly...just because I suddenly longed to write in Japanese.anyway,I've hung around Kawasaki-city with some nice american Mr.C when overcame to see him at Kawaski-station...to say honestly,I've never see…


Before i'd mention to it,KIGAS OFFICIAL SITE have been up loaded.-> http://kurodamichiru.sakura.ne.jp/You can dig some current works i'm composing...scratching life is my next next works.of course it'd be launched on youtube.and the air of…

Time will tell and i gotta gain people's..

Now,ON japanese SNS MIXI seems on its nerve so much,my x rated(in fact so much for it)pics are suddenly deleted WITHOUT NOTICING.Yeah,japan is so strange country!but i'm in very nice&taking it easy,cause only on this closing country's bitc…