The purity of love will just get your mean looks

what if you'd love unknown guy?merely might you run into such a person on your real life.i'll say...

I've recieved a letter from unknown person in Jap,and who i guess is a female...but just my suggestion without any proof.

SHE had it she've loved to all what i were like,and had it i'm so smart that she'd never follow me in case of trouble or screwing up in real meeting up....big idea you are!i'll say!

What i mean is she's acting just like a turd,right?Not giving me the name,the shape,the sex,i mean its identification,like a deaf of handy man,all what she stand for is "she's telling me without saying anything!",ok...

You came all that way,Japanese is all deaf,meek,quiet and hentai nation...

Love is like always sittin on the fence and never under human-being's the other saying,Love is led to hatred.

hey dirty girl,can you hear me?